Welcome to the Community Opportunities Portal for the Community Integration Initiative!
The purpose of the Community Integration Initiative (CII) is to reimagine a new human services system in collaboration with those who use county services and those who deliver them. This will build on the work DHS and community providers already do to combat poverty and inequities across Monroe County.
The catalyst of this multi-year initiative led by the county and DHS is the RASE Commission Report.
Previous Opportunities
We hosted the final CII summit on July 11, 2024
Be Inspired - Engage - Network
We appreciate your ongoing support and contributions to this initiative. Meals will be provided for all attendees, and community participants will receive compensation for joining us. Check registration for more details.
Come help us celebrate our collective achievents, as well as strengthen the ongoing effort to improve access to vital services!
Prototyping Summit - March 10th!
On March 10th, over 80 attendants from across community gathered together to create new ideas that could be piloted in through the Monroe County Community Integration initiative. Participants included DHS leadership and staff, community advocates, county leadership, providers, and community members. Together, they created 15 prototypes that are being reviewed now.
Brainstorming Sessions
Brainstorming sessions were offered in January to review the data we collected over 2022 through interviewing and surveying DHS staff, providers, and community members on their experiences receiving/delivering services, barriers being experienced, and ideas/opportunities for the future.
These sessions were facilitated, interactive zoom sessions. They were held the last two weeks of January 2023.
Provider Focus Groups
The CII team offered provider focus groups through September and October. These 1-2 hour sessions were meant to hear feedback from providers on their experiences working with DHS, delivering services in this community, and ideas for changes that could be made to improve service delivery.