Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs 

 111 Westfall Rd., Rochester, NY 14620
 Phone: 585 753-5223

 Lauren Reed, BSN, Nurse Coordinator
 [email protected]

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) program is a statewide, no cost, public health program that provides information and referral services for health and related areas for families of CYSHCN.

Who Can Participate:

  • Any child, youth or young adult, age BIRTH TO 21 YEARS who has, or suspected of having, a serious or chronic condition that requires health and related services beyond what a child generally needs.
  • A child with a serious or chronic developmental condition related to one or more of the following areas of development:
    • Physical or motor development
    • Cognitive development (e.g., problem solving, attention, etc.)
    • Language development 
    • Social and Emotional development

The CYSHCN program provides families with information and referrals to fit their child’s growing needs. Children who are enrolled in the Early Intervention program can continue to receive help through CYSHCN when they “age out” of Early Intervention.

A child can receive assistance through the CYSHCN program even if they have been identified as a child with a disability through either the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and/or the Committee on Special Education (CSE).

Visit the NYS CYSHCN Program Website

You are the strongest advocate in your child’s life! Working together with professionals will help empower your child to succeed! As a parent or legal guardian, you are an active participant in your child’s medical or related screenings, assessments, or examinations. It is important to connect specialized help that your child may be receiving to both home and community settings. This is key in helping your child attain his/her growth and potential!

The CYSHCN program provides referrals and information about resources in your community that can help children with special health care needs and their families. 

  • Medical and Therapeutic Support Services
  • Parent Organizations and Support Groups
  • Referral to a Medicaid Health Home
  • Special Education Services
  • Assistance with Transportation
  • Food Services and Pantries
  • Clothing Services
  • Recreational Activities
  • Education and Awareness of medical condition or disease

For more information, call 585-753-5223.
