County Surveyors Office

 County Office Building
39 W. Main St. - Suite 304J
Rochester, NY 14614
 Gregory D. Bly, P.L.S.
County Surveyor

 Phone: 585 753-1156
 Fax: 585 753-1192
 [email protected]



The Monroe County Survey Office maintains nearly 5,700 geodetic survey monuments and the right of way records for 650 miles of County highway.  The network of monuments forms a base survey to aid in the orderly growth of the community.  When properly used as reference, the network reduces land measurement inconsistencies.  Rules and regulations for the use and protection of the survey network are set forth in Local Law No. 6 of 2019, the authority for which rests entirely with the Monroe County Legislature.

The Monroe County Surveyors Office also performs and reviews consultant boundary surveys related to County highway right of way and utility easement acquisitions, and performs County Park boundary surveys and property boundary surveys prepared for real property either sold or acquired by the County of Monroe.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding geodetic monument protection, subdivision map review and approval, highway right of ways, or surveying in general.


Greg Bly

Information For General Public