Right to Farm (RTF) Laws

Mediating Complaints by Non-Farm Neighbors

Picture of hay trailer.A Right to Farm (RTF) law sets forth a process to mediate complaints by non-farm neighbors about farming operations and practices.

Article 25AA of New York State Agriculture and Markets law includes an RTF provision which requires the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets to resolve disputes about farm practices on farm operations within agriculture districts. However, many of these disputes might be resolved more quickly and less expensively at the local level through local Right to Farm legislation.

A number of communities throughout New York state have already adopted Right to Farm Laws, including the Towns of Sweden and Mendon here in Monroe County. An examination of the laws passed in these communities shows that there is no one “model” Right to Farm Law that fits the needs of every community.

By examining different examples of Right to Farm Laws, town officials and local agriculture advisory committees can determine which approach best reflects their local concerns.

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Other Right to Farm Laws
